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Found 43825 results for any of the keywords breeders directory. Time 0.008 seconds.
Requirements for JRTCA Breeder Directory Applicants - JRTCA Breeders DThis page lists the requirements for JRTCA Breeder Directory Applicants.
Jack Russell Terrier Breeders - JRTCA Breeders DirectoryJRTCA Breeders Directory contains a list of Jack Russell Terrier breeders across the United States. All have signed the Breeders Code of Ethics. - Bird Breeders Directory of Availability and -Bird Breeders of African Grey Parrot, Cockatoo, Macaw, Quaker, Conure, Caique, Eclectus Parrot Breeders Directory and AVAILABILITY.
List of Jack Russell Terrier Breeders - JRTCA Breeders DirectoryA list of Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) Breeders. Each JRTCA breeder has signed the Code of Ethics.
JRTCA Breeders Code of Ethics - JRTCA Breeders DirectoryThe policies set forth in the JRTCA Breeders Code of Ethics outline the ethical breeding practices expected of all JRTCA members.
Jack Russell Terrier Club of America - JRTCA Breeders DirectoryThe Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) is the National Breed Club and Registry for the Jack Russell Terrier in the United States.
Ask a Dog Breeder Questions | Online Community for Dog Owners Ask aProvides breeding answers to dog owners. Contains articles discussions related to breeding dogs, whelping, and raising healthy puppies. - Your source for rabbit information!RabbitPedia is an all-in-one website that is offering vast amounts of rabbit information and user-friendly visitor interaction.
Chantecler Fanciers International | Established 2007 to Promote the ChChantecler Fanciers International (C.F.I.) was established with a noble mission: to promote the Chantecler breed by fostering communication, fellowship, exhibitions, and sharing of stock through the Chantecler Breeders D
The Issue of the Silver Labrador - The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.It is the opinion of the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc., the AKC parent club for the breed, that a silver Labrador is not a purebred Labrador retriever. The pet owning public is being duped into believing that animals wit
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